Support Oakcliff Travel Teams and the Triple Crown Series Oakcliff is Building American Leaders Through Sailing With your support we will be able to truly improve the lives of America's sailors. Individuals arrive at Oakcliff hungry to learn, eager to work, with a raw talent. We help transform them into champions on the water, on shore and eventually in the board room. There are many programs that you can request your doantion be applied to.
Travel Teams: Oakcliff has trained saplings, acorns and supporters in Match Racing and now it is time for them to compete on a national and international level. Your donation will go to the basic needs of travel and entry fees and the recipients promise to represent your contribution well with hard work, incremental improvements as they climb up to the winners podium. Your donation can provide:
Offshore Team In 2011 the Oakcliff All American Offshore Team raced fro Annapolis to Newport to England and around Fastnet Rock. Each race they improved results finishing 3rd in the Fastnet. Two of these graduates, Mark Towill and Charlie Enright went on to do two Volvo Ocean Races! In 2013 Sapling graduates got togther to form a team to race in the Farr 40 Worlds. They were the youngest team ever to compete with the whole team coming in at under 25 years of age. This endeavor required that they use every Oakcliff skill from marketing to wet sanding and of course sailing. You can choose to donate to future Offshore Stars. Click the button below to choose to donate to this young and determined team! The Oakcliff Triple Crown Series The Oakcliff Triple Crown Series in a series of regattas each season for 49er, 49erFX, 470s and Nacra 17. A pool of up to $300,000.00 in prize grants, is awarded to top finishers each season. Every dollar that comes into this fund is awarded to athletes trying to climb the highest mountain in the sport of sailing: The Olympics.