Oakcliff International 2023

09/05/2023 11:00 AM - 09/09/2023 05:00 PM ET


The Oakcliff International is the fourth stop in the Grand Slam series, which is part of the World Match Racing Tour. The Grand Slam is a series of four Grade 2 match racing events in the USA in which the overall winner receives an invitation to the Congressional Cup. Hosted in Oyster Bay, NY and sailed in SM40 class yachts, this event draws competitors from all over the world. There will be a practice day on Tuesday, 9/5, and racing is scheduled for Wednesday, 9/6  - Saturday, 9/9. 

2023 Grand Slam Series:
August 18-20: The Chicago Cup – Chicago YC
August 24-27: International Match Race for the Detroit Cup – Bayview YC
August 30 - September 2: The Thompson Cup – Seawanhaka Corinthian YC

September 6-9: Oakcliff International – Oakcliff Sailing

This is an invitation only event. If you are a skipper interested in competing, click here to request an invitation. If you need crew, email us at regatta@oakcliffsailing.org, and we will work with you to fill the spots you need.

US Sailing requires all skippers and crew to be current members of US Sailing at the time of participation.

Are you interested in learning more about match racing and being involved in the event? Great! Opportunities abound to volunteer and get a first-hand look at how match racing works. Click here and let us know how you would like to be involved.

Notice of Series

Notice of Race

Sailing InstructionsSI Ammendment 1

Prize Grants

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