Midwest Program: You Gotta Regatta

07/25/2023 - 08/03/2023


This awesome program is a 36-day long freshwater experience encompassing three major events: the Port Huron and the Chicago Mackinac races as well as the infamous “You Gotta’ Regatta” race in beautiful Harbor Springs Michigan. Athletes in this program will be fully involved in the preparation, practicing (at Bayview),  racing, and maintaining this boat.   *note we highly recommend athletes participate in all sessions but can be somewhat flexible in start and finish times. 

Trainees will learn:

  • Project Management
  • Provisioning for offshore
  • Positions from driving to trimming to navigation
  • Serving as a first mate or boat captain
  • Leadership lessons and more

Email Training Director Ethan Johnson at training@oakcliffsailing.org for more information, or visit our website.

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