LAST NIGHT - Wednesday Night Fleet Racing - Summer Series 2023

09/20/2023 05:30 PM - 08:30 PM ET


Join Oakcliff for fleet racing with on the water coaching.


EXTENDED- Sign up to sail one of Oakcliff's Match 40s or Shields at Sagamore's Wednesday Night Fleet Racing! Through our system, you can either sign up as a complete team or sign up as an individual and have us place you on a team. Please ensure that you sign up or cancel your attendance by 3pm on the day of racing. Sailors should report to Oakcliff at 5:30 for a prebrief and team assignments. Please bring a water bottle, PFD if you have one (if not, we can lend one), sunscreen, and gloves (also available for purchase at Oakcliff base). This is a great way to polish your fleet racing skills and learn all the positions on our Match 40s and Shields. Debriefs will happen on the docks after mooring the boats at sunset. You are encouraged to go to Sagamore YC, Coopers Bluff or venture into Oyster Bay for refreshments.  Before you come, please visit the Supporter Corner for videos and documents on how to rig the boats. Please be prepared to do all positions on the boat if you are signing up alone – it will be a great learning experience! 


All sailors must be 2023 Oakcliff Supporters. Not a supporter? Join up here. Coaching will be available over VHF CH69 from a RIB.

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