2024 Thursday Night Match Racing

08/01/2024 05:30 PM - 08:00 PM ET


Thursday Night Match Race Drills and Shields Sailing, 5:30 Prebrief 

You already know the basics of the Match 40s from sailing on Wednesday nights and you want to step up your game.   You match race a fair amount but want to try new positions on the boat.  Ready to start leading your own team into battle?

Thursday Night Match Race Drills are for you.   Each night we’ll start with a 5:30 pre-brief in the office, proceed to the boats race to get sails up, and jump straight into the action.   We’ll start with the basics of dial-ups (without crashing) and Starboard mark roundings.  As the season progresses we’ll get into more aggressive drills such as penalty kills.  Ideally, you can become a regular but if you are a first-timer please let the coach know so they can put you in the right position.  This might even be on the umpire boat for maximum learning.

Sailing continues until sunset, debriefs are on the dock and often continue to a local eating and drinking establishment 

Shields Sailing: 

Not interested in match racing tonight? Bring your own team and you can take a shields out and sail with the classics. Check-in in the office and we'll send you down.


Please familiarize yourself with the content in the following links:

Racing Rules of Sailing and Appendix C(starting page 72)

How to rig a match boat


More Information:

Dave Perry Webinar Video

Oakcliff YouTube Channel

Match Racing PlayBook


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