2024 David Storrs Qualifier for the USMRC, Grade 3 Clinegatta

04/12/2024 09:00 AM - 04/14/2024 05:00 PM ET


This U.S. Sailing Match Racing Championship Qualifier is one road to the 2024 U.S. Match Racing Championship. 

As the most active match racing center in the world, Oakcliff’s twelve Match 40′s are used for drills, clinics and regattas. David Storrs will start with a clinic on Friday, 4/12, from 0900 to 1800; competitors will be coached on starting strategies, boat handling, and the effective use of match racing rules. The day will end with a debrief and discussion with the coach. Saturday and Sunday are race days! Following racing, we will gather at 2 South Street for a debrief and discussion with fellow competitors, the umpires and the race committee, and swap stories, debate the events of the day, practice your bar-karate, and reflect on what you learned to do (and what not to do!) Snacks and beverages will be available.


Results - 2024 David Storrs Qualifier

Results - check out our Facebook page.

US Sailing requires all skippers and crew to be current members of US Sailing at the time of participation. The winner will receive an invitation to the US Match Racing Championship. This is an invitation only event. If you are a skipper ready to tumble, please go to US Sailing USMRC Championship & Qualifiers to request an invitation and Oakcliff's Request an Invitation to participate in the event. To view the US Sailing USMRC critical data sheet click here.

2024 David Storrs Qualifier NoR v2

2024 David Storrs Qualifier SI v1

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