2024 AYC Spring Training

04/27/2024 08:30 AM - 04/28/2024 05:30 PM ET


Practice maneuvers and boat handling in Farr 40s in preparation for the AYC Spring Series.


This clinic is the best way to getting sailing fast in Farr 40s. With Oakcliff's fleet of 4 Farr 40 race boats, teams of 10 or 11 will learn what it takes to race as a team on a 40ft racing boat. Partnered with the JSA of Long Island, Oakcliff will host, providing housing, food, coaching, and of course the racing boats. We will spend the first day working on boat handling and boat speed followed by a team BBQ. On day two we will incorporate and build on existing fleet racing knowledge and return to the water for a full day of racing. 

Attendees will be required to fill out the 2024 Enrollment Packet and upload it to their Oakcliff account or bring it in person to the event.

Athletes can arrive by 0800 on Saturday April 27 or after 1700 on Friday, April 26, and stay in the Oakcliff Bunkhouse for free. Both nights are included in the admission. 

The AYC Spring Series is May 3 - 5. 

SATURDAY 04/27/2024

0800-0900 Split into teams and Oakcliff tours

0900-1100 Farr 40 Playbook and land drills

1200-1230 Bring your lunch and to the boats

1230-1800 On-the-water drills with onboard coaches and coach boats

1900-2000 Team BBQ and DeBrief

SUNDAY 04/28/2024

0700-0800 Rigging Seminar

0800-0900 Breakfast and Lunch Making

0900-0930 Briefing in the Classroom

1000-1100 Practice

1100-1530 Racing

1600 Debrief on the dock

1730 Pickup

For questions please email training@oakcliffsailing.org

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