US Sailing Advanced Race Management Seminar

11/23/2024 09:30 AM - 11/24/2024 05:30 PM ET



Advanced Race Management Seminar

Want to join in all of the RC fun? Click here to find out more about this course and what it takes to become a race official.

Email Patrice at for more information or questions regarding this course. 

Direct US Sailing link to this course: Advanced Race Management Seminar at Oakcliff Sailing (scroll down to the bottom)

Link to US Sailing Courses: US Sailing Find a Race Management Seminar

Instructor is Cynthia Parthemos

This In-Person seminar consists of two sessions on Saturday, November 23-24, from 9:30AM to 5:30PM.

The seminar will be held at Oakcliff Sailing Center, 4 South Street, Oyster Bay, NY 11771. Parking available on site.   The bunkhouse is available for those needing accommodations. If you have significant others wishing to join you Oyster Bay has lots to offer from museums to Billy Joel’s Motorcycle shop is a little over an hour from NYC

There is course pre-work REQUIRED before the seminar begins including an introductory zoom on Thursday, November 14th.  Cynthia will email you with course information, including directions for course pre-work. Attendance is required to complete and pass the course.

About ten days before your course begins, you will receive an email from US Sailing inviting you to log into the course through Canvas Free for Teachers (, US Sailing’s online learning platform. Please click the "Get Started" link right away to complete your profile and access the required course materials. 

The lead instructor will email you with course information, including directions for course pre-work. It is estimated to require 8 to 10 hours to complete.

US Sailing Course Registration fee is $40.00.  An additional  $40.00 per person, payable to Oakcliff Sailing, includes continental breakfast, lunch, snacks, and beverages.

US Sailing course registration closes 11/6/24. Walk-In registrations are not allowed. 

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