Oakcliff Umpire Seminar

04/05/2025 08:00 AM - 04/06/2025 06:00 PM ET


U.S. Sailing Umpire Seminar for certification or re-certification


ENROLL NOW: In addition to registering here, go to US Sailing Find a seminar to register for US Sailing portion of registration.

July 6, 2024, ½ day seminar & ½ day practical on the water

July 7, 2024, ½ day seminar & ½ day assessment on the water

IN-PERSON Umpire Seminar at Oakcliff Sailing Center. There are 12 slots available.

The instructor is Bruce Cook, International Umpire, National Umpire, International Judge, & National Judge.

This in-person seminar on April 5 & 6 consists of two instructional classroom sessions and two on the water sessions, a practical and an assessment. Saturday on the water session will consist of practical/training and Sunday is an assessment. Seminars begin at 8:00 AM.

The seminar will be held at Oakcliff Sailing Center, 4 South Street, Oyster Bay, NY 11771. Parking available on site.

There is approximately 90-120 minutes of course pre-work REQUIRED before the seminar begins. Attendance is required to complete and pass the course. Bruce will email you with course information, including directions for course pre-work. Attendance is required to complete and pass the course.

About ten days before your course begins, you will receive an email from US Sailing inviting you to log into the course through Canvas, US Sailing’s online learning platform. Please click the "Get Started" link right away to complete your profile and access the required course materials. There are a few short quizzes and activities you are asked to complete prior to the first session.

US Sailing Course Registration fee is $40 payable to US Sailing. An additional fee of $50 per person, payable to Oakcliff Sailing, includes continental breakfast, lunch, & snacks.

Registration closes 3/24/2025. Walk-In registrations are not allowed. 

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