2024 Oakcliff Clagett Grade 4 Clinegatta - CANCELLED

08/23/2024 09:00 AM - 08/25/2024 05:00 PM ET


The Clagett/Oakcliff Match Race is the most highly anticipated adaptive needs sailor event. Leading sailing organizations in the Northeast have combined efforts to offer the first-ever match racing regatta in the area to sailors with adaptive needs that has now become an annual event. 

To participate teams of three must form to register for the event. The skipper is required to have an adaptive need. The rest of the crew may have adaptive needs but it is not required.  Individuals looking for a team can add their name to the crew bank and we will make this list available to skipper trying to complete their teams. It is recommended that teams form themselves.

If you are a skipper ready to rumble, Request an Invitation to participate in this event.

Are you interested in learning more about match racing but not quite ready to hop on a boat? Great! Opportunities abound to volunteer and get a first-hand look at how match racing works. Click here and let us know how you would like to be involved.

2024 Clagett Grade 4 NoR v3

2024 Clagett Grade 4 Regatta SI v2

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